Pakistan president for consensus on caretaker premier by Saturday

Pakistan president for consensus on caretaker premier by Saturday

Arif Alvi asks outgoing premier Shehbaz Sharif, opposition leader Raja Riaz to propose ‘suitable person’ to lead interim setup

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – Pakistan's President Arif Alvi on Friday asked the outgoing prime minister and opposition leader to nominate a "suitable person" for appointment as caretaker premier by Saturday.

Alvi, in a letter to Shehbaz Sharif and Raja Riaz, said the Constitution mandates nomination of the caretaker prime minister within three days of the dissolution of the National Assembly, or the lower house of parliament.

The president dissolved the parliament, on the advice from Prime Minister Sharif, on Wednesday night, paving the way for the interim setup, which is bound to hold elections in the next three months.

The assembly's current term would have otherwise ended on Saturday.

Sharif will continue as the prime minister until the caretaker premier takes oath.

Sharif and Riaz held a meeting on Thursday to finalize the name, but a consensus was not reached. They are expected to meet again later in the day.

Kaynak:Source of News

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