Palestinian group holds talks with Egypt's intelligence chief

Palestinian group holds talks with Egypt's intelligence chief

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine conveys to Abbas Kamil its expectations for upcoming meeting of Palestinian groups in Egypt

By Mohammed Majed and Zeynep Hilal Karyagdi Duran

GAZA (AA) — The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said Saturday that it held talks with the Egyptian Intelligence chief.

A PFLP delegation led by Deputy Secretary-General Jamal Nizar traveled to Cairo upon the invitation of the Egyptian side for discussions with Abbas Kamil, according to a written statement by the Palestinian group.

Recent developments in Palestine, threats facing the Palestinian cause, and ways to strengthen commitment to the legitimate rights of its people were on the agenda, the statement said.

The meeting also addressed the group's expectations for an upcoming meeting with the general secretaries of Palestinian groups in Egypt on July 30 and ways to end divisions in Palestine.

On July 10, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced an extraordinary meeting of Palestinian group general secretaries in Egypt.

The meeting in Cairo is expected to address the dangers and challenges facing the Palestinian cause following the 48-hour attack by Israel on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank earlier this month.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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