Palo Alto Networks, IBM join forces to provide AI-powered security

Palo Alto Networks, IBM join forces to provide AI-powered security

Rapid growth of artificial intelligence presents cybersecurity threats, says companies

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - American cybersecurity firm Palo Alto Networks and IBM have joined forces to provide artificial intelligence (AI)-powered security offerings.

IBM will deliver consulting services across Palo Alto Networks' security platforms and provide internal security solutions for the firm, while Palo Alto Networks will be IBM's preferred cybersecurity partner across network, cloud and security operations center, the companies said in a statement Wednesday.

While IBM aims to strengthen its services in cybersecurity and AI security, featuring Palo Alto Networks platforms in its expanded portfolio, it will also train more than 1,000 of its security consultants on migration, adoption and deployment of Palo Alto Networks products.

Palo Alto Networks, meanwhile, has agreed to acquire IBM's QRadar Software -- a network security management platform that uses a combination of flow-based network knowledge, security event correlation and asset-based vulnerability assessment.

The companies said the rapid growth of AI presents significant cybersecurity challenges, adding that they aim to help streamline and transform security operations, stop threats at scale and accelerate incident remediation for their customers with a complete AI-powered approach.

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