Poland completes operation to evacuate its citizens from Israel

Poland completes operation to evacuate its citizens from Israel

President thanks everyone who ensured 'smooth and safe evacuation' of citizens, guests from other countries

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) - Polish President Andrzej Duda on Saturday announced that the evacuation of Polish citizens from Israel was completed.

Duda said on X: "I would like to thank the General Command of the Armed Forces, all the pilots, soldiers, rescuers and other people involved in this operation for the smooth and safe evacuation from Israel of our compatriots and guests-citizens of other countries."

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also said on X that all citizens of Poland and other countries that have benefited from Poland's assistance are now home.

"The six-day evacuation of Poles from conflict-ridden Israel has come to an end. Thank you to the soldiers for working so efficiently!" Morawiecki said.

The evacuation came amid the ongoing Israel-Palestine fighting, which entered second week on Saturday, with the embattled Gaza Strip bordering northeast Egypt facing Israeli airstrikes, a cutoff of basic utilities, and an order for over 1 million Gaza residents to evacuate their homes in the north and go to the south.

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