Poland signs deals to purchase hundreds of armored vehicles

Poland signs deals to purchase hundreds of armored vehicles

First shipments expected to start early next year, says local media

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – Poland signed three separate deals to purchase hundreds of armored vehicles for its army, which is undergoing a serious rearmament and re-organization process, local media reported Monday.

The deals, which were called “highly consequential” by Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, were signed with the state-owned Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) and involve 700 heavy infantry fighting vehicles, 400 wheeled armored personnel carriers and hundreds of light reconnaissance vehicles.

Blaszczak said the contracts will significantly improve the capacity of the army.

Shipments of the first tranche of vehicles are expected to start early next year.

In late February, Poland signed a deal to purchase 1,400 domestically produced Borsuk infantry fighting vehicles.

The country, which announced forming one of the strongest armies in Europe as its goal, also signed deals with South Korea and the US to buy hundreds of tanks and multiple rocket launchers in recent years.

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