Pope Francis discharged from hospital after surgery

Pope Francis discharged from hospital after surgery

Pontiff underwent abdominal surgery in Rome to repair hernia 9 days ago

By Giovanni Legorano

ROME (AA) - Pope Francis was discharged from the hospital Friday nine days after he underwent an operation to repair an abdominal hernia.

He left Rome’s Gemelli hospital in a wheelchair from the main entrance of the hospital waving to other patients and journalists.

“I am alive,” he responded to reporters’ questions on his health.

Chief surgeon Sergio Alfieri, who operated on the pope on June 7, said the pontiff was well and that he will be able to deal with his trips better than before.

“It will be a stronger pope,” Alfieri said.

Due to the surgery and subsequent hospitalization, the pope, 86, had canceled all his engagements until June 18.

He is scheduled to make trips to Portugal and Mongolia in August.

Kaynak:Source of News

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