Russia accuses US of taking entire Middle East region 'hostage'

Russia accuses US of taking entire Middle East region 'hostage'

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says American politicians use situation to their advantage

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Thursday accused the US of "taking hostage" the entire Middle East region, where tensions have escalated between Iran and Israel besides the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Responding to a question by Anadolu at a news conference in Moscow, Zakharova said the US generally "uses countries and nations in its mercantile" interests, and the problem of the US military presence in the Middle East is "broader, deeper, and even scarier."

"In this case, I think the problem is even broader, deeper, and even scarier. American politicians, the so-called 'deep state' are not just using the situation in the region to their advantage, they have literally taken the countries and the region as a whole hostage to their policies, both domestic and foreign. Unfortunately, this has led to a new monstrous aggravation of the situation in the region," she said.

Russia's assessments of the US policy in the Middle East remain unchanged, she noted.

"We believe that the current situation has largely become a consequence of their long-term policy of creating dividing lines in the region and destroying the international legal framework," she emphasized.

The US actions have been aimed at undermining the international mechanisms created to implement the UN decisions as well as mediator formats, Zakharova elaborated.

"This approach largely determines Washington's line in Palestinian affairs. The unprecedented crisis in the Gaza Strip was the result of stagnation in the settlement process due to the US attempts to single-handedly promote its vision of Arab-Israeli normalization and development of the situation in the region as a whole," she said.

The solution of the Palestinian problem was consciously delayed, she said.

Generally, the buildup of a foreign military presence in the zone of armed conflict, in particular the strengthening of the American group in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, poses a threat of further escalation, she stressed.

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