Russia says Poland 'prone' to escalating tensions on border with Belarus

Russia says Poland 'prone' to escalating tensions on border with Belarus

'There are a lot of strange things there, in general Poles are prone to provoking situations,' says Kremlin spokesman

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Russia on Friday pointed oddities in Warsaw's statements on the situation along Polish-Belarusian border, saying Poland is generally prone to escalate tensions.

"There are a lot of strange things there, in general Poles are prone to provoking situations, escalating tensions. This line is not new and has only been progressing in recent years," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a press briefing in Moscow.

Warsaw said two Belarusian helicopters violated the Polish airspace on Tuesday, a charge Belarus has denied.

It said it will deploy more troops at the border with Belarus, where thousands of Wagner fighters are said to be based following a short-lived mutiny against Moscow.

"Indeed, the fighters of this group are on the territory of Belarus within the framework of existing agreements. Near the border -- not near the border, this is the territory of Belarus, Belarus is a sovereign state," Peskov said.

"As for the Belarusian helicopters, if I understand correctly, the Poles themselves confirmed that this violation was not recorded on the radar," he added.

Turning to remarks US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who said Washington will do everything necessary to ensure food exports from Russia if it returns to the grain deal, Peskov said Moscow is not waiting for more promises, but for the fulfillment of the earlier provisions of the Black Sea grain deal.

Russia suspended participation in the deal due to obstacles to export its own food and fertilizer.

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