Russia says US, allies trying to set world against Moscow

Russia says US, allies trying to set world against Moscow

Washington, allies are conducting campaign to discredit Russia, destroy its statehood, says head of Security Council

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) – Russia on Tuesday said the US and its allies are trying to set the world against Moscow by forming hatred for the country and its people.

“The United States and its henchmen, creating the image of an enemy from Russia, are sowing hatred for our country and its people, trying to discredit the Russian world, imposing a confrontation with our state on the world community,” Nikolay Patrushev, chairman of the Russian Security Council, said at a meeting in the western city of Ulyanovsk.

Patrushev said the US and its allies as a whole are implementing “any dirty and vile methods” of information warfare, which include “undisguised lies, unsubstantiated and sweeping accusations, and staged incidents.”

He also said Washington and its allies are conducting a campaign to discredit Moscow and destroy its statehood. This campaign, according to him, is aimed at “destroying basic Russian spiritual and moral values, family traditions, reformatting historical memory, splitting society along national, cultural and religious lines, as well as promoting terrorism and extremism.”

Patrushev further claimed that foreign intelligence services are fueling protests and separatist sentiments in the countries by using anonymous messaging applications to “destabilize the situation in the Russian regions.”

He also asserted that the US and its allies are a party to the Russia-Ukraine war due to their continued military support for Kyiv, in addition to providing intelligence and training for the Ukrainian army.

“At the same time, they do not consider significant human losses from the Ukrainians their problem. And the fighting is not taking place on their territories,” he added.

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