Russia's Lavrov urges Palestinians to reunite in face of tragedy in Gaza

Russia's Lavrov urges Palestinians to reunite in face of tragedy in Gaza

Foreign minister says while Palestinians argue about nuances, violence is spreading to West Bank of Jordan River

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday called on the different Palestinian factions to reunite in face of the tragedy in Gaza, where Israeli attacks have killed more than 30,000 people, and for achieving the ultimate goal -- establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Speaking at a meeting with representatives of Palestinian political forces in Moscow, Lavrov said the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is because of the absence of a Palestinian state.

"Undoubtedly, the main priority is to stop the bloodshed ... the recurrence of large-scale confrontation and outbreaks of violence in the region will inevitably be repeated until, through joint efforts, we can eliminate the underlying cause of this long-term conflict. Namely, to solve the problem of creating a Palestinian state," he stressed.

Lavrov quoted Jesus Christ, equally respected by Christians and Muslims, saying: "A house divided by itself will not stand."

The Russian foreign minister stressed that the future of Palestine depends on whether Palestinian political forces will be able to put the interests, goals and fate of the Palestinian people above the current nuances and discrepancies in positions and approaches.

He pointed out that while Palestinians continue arguing between themselves, the situation is getting worse, and the Israeli military operation in the West Bank of the Jordan River is becoming "no less serious and brutal than in Gaza."

Representatives of Palestinian political forces have gathered in the Russian capital Moscow, and consultations are expected to last till Saturday.

Israel started its war on Gaza after the Oct. 7, 2023 cross-border incursion by Hamas. It has since killed more than 30,000 Palestinians and pushed the territory to the brink of famine.

It has been suggested that the Palestinian Authority, which administers parts of the occupied West Bank, should also govern the Gaza Strip, where Hamas is in power, after the war ends.​

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