Russia's trade turnover with OIC members increased 30% last year: Deputy premier

Russia's trade turnover with OIC members increased 30% last year: Deputy premier

Marat Khusnullin speaks during event at KazanForum in Tatarstan’s capital

By Mert Davut and Handan Kazanci

KAZAN, Tatarstan (AA) – Russia's trade turnover with members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) increased by 30% last year, Russia's deputy prime minister said on Friday.

The volume of tourist traffic, Russian product exports, and imports have increased, Marat Khusnullin said following a plenary session of the 15th International Economic Forum Russia–Islamic World: KazanForum in Tatarstan’s capital of Kazan. Anadolu is the global communications partner of the forum.

More than 20,000 people from over 80 countries participated in event this year, according to a statement from the organizers, and some 120 agreements were signed on the sidelines.

“There was a wonderful exhibition, a wonderful tournament of chefs, and a good cultural program,” Khusnullin said.

The Russian premier said this year all the countries of the Persian Gulf and the entire Arab world were represented at the international event.

Among the issues that were discussed was the launch date of the North–South transport corridor, said Khusnullin, referring to the 7,200-kilometer (4,500-mile) multi-mode network of ship, rail and road routes between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe.

Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the project over the past few years, he said, adding that agreements have been concluded with Azerbaijan and Iran to extend the railway to the ports of Persian Gulf, and Turkmenistan started building a road to Iran along the Caspian Sea and plans to move towards Kazakhstan.

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