Sales of Sony's PlayStation 5 jump 37% to 3.3 million from April - June

Sales of Sony's PlayStation 5 jump 37% to 3.3 million from April - June

Figure off 47.6% from 6.3 million units sold in January - March

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Sales of the Sony's PlayStation 5 gaming console jumped 37.5% annually to 3.3 million units in the April -June period of 2023, according to a financial results statement released Wednesday.

Sony sold 2.4 million units in the same period in 2022, which the company refers to as its first quarter on fiscal year 2022.

The latest figure, however, is down 47.6% from the 6.3 million units sold in the January - March period this year.

The company, on the other hand, saw its revenue decline 33% on annual basis to 3 trillion Japanese yen ($21 billion) in the latest quarter. Operating profit decreased 31% to 253 billion yen year-on-year.

Sony said it raised revenue forecast by 6% to 12.2 trillion yen for 2023.

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