Saudi Arabia's 1st ambassador to Palestine presents letter of credentials

Saudi Arabia's 1st ambassador to Palestine presents letter of credentials

Naif bin Bandar Al-Saud to serve as non-resident ambassador to Palestine

By Mohammed Ghifari, Hamdi Yildiz

RAMALLAH (AA) - The first ambassador appointed by Saudi Arabia to Palestine, Naif bin Bandar Al-Saud, presented on Saturday his letter of credentials to the Palestinian authorities.

Ambassador Al-Saud delivered the letter of credentials to Majdi Al-Khalidi, advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas for diplomatic affairs, at the Palestinian Embassy in Jordan, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

The original credentials will be handed over to the Palestinian president soon.

Al-Saud will serve as the non-resident ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Palestine.

Khalidi said this step would contribute to strengthening the bonds between the two brotherly peoples and countries.

Al-Saud previously served as the Saudi ambassador to Amman.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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