Singapore set for 3-way presidential contest

Singapore set for 3-way presidential contest

Ng Kok Song, Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Tan Kin Lian confirmed as candidates for Sept. 1 vote

By Anadolu staff

ISTANBUL (AA) - Singapore will see a three-way presidential contest on Sept. 1.

Investor Ng Kok Song, former senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Tan Kin Lian have been confirmed as candidates in the upcoming presidential election.

All three candidates handed in their nomination papers at the People's Association headquarters and their nomination was confirmed on Tuesday morning, Singapore-based CNA News reported.

Singapore will elect its new president on the first day of September for a six-year term, as more than 2.7 million voters are eligible to cast ballots.

Elected in 2017, incumbent President Halimah Yacob is not seeking a second term.

Singapore’s Constitution mandates that the new president has to be elected three months before the incumbent’s term ends.

This year, candidates from all races can vie for the post but they cannot be affiliated to any political party when the date of nomination reaches.

The first presidential election in Singapore was held on Aug. 28, 1993.

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