Some 73,000 firms established in Türkiye in first 7 months of 2023

Some 73,000 firms established in Türkiye in first 7 months of 2023

Number of newly-launched foreign-partnered companies at 7,648 in January-July period

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - The number of newly established companies reached 73,001 during the first seven months of this year, down by 1.8% on a yearly basis, data showed on Friday.

According to the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), the figure included 7,648 foreign-partnered companies.

In July, 9,326 firms were established, down 1.1% on a yearly basis, while 2,067 firms closed, up 10.7%.

The number of launches of foreign-partnered companies was 975 in July.

In total, 11,559 companies liquidated in the January-July period, up by 0.1%.

Kaynak:Source of News

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