Spain to vote in general election on Sunday

Spain to vote in general election on Sunday

According to current political landscape, forming coalition government after elections has high possibility

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

GENEVA (AA) – Spain on Sunday will go to polls for general election, with 37.5 million people eligible to vote in the upcoming election.

The possibility of the formation of a coalition government after polls is high due to the current political landscape in the country.

The first alternative of a possible coalition is a right-wing coalition between the main opposition Popular Party (PP) and far-right Vox party.

The other possible coalition government could be formed between the currently governing Socialist Worker’s Party (PSOE) and a new party formed by communist parties to replace the current coalition partner of the left-wing minority coalition, Unidas Podemos (UP).

Voters will elect 350 deputies and 265 Senators. The current distribution of the seats in the parliament is 120 seats for PSOE, 89 for PP, 52 for Vox, 26 for UP, 13 for the Republican Left of Catalonia, 10 for the Citizens party and 40 for others.

According to the surveys, expected distribution of seats after the election are PP with seats between 129 and 140, PSOE 106-113, Vox 35-40, Sumar 32-39, and others with 48-55.

Kaynak:Source of News

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