Suez Canal Authority deals with malfunctions of 2 tankers

Suez Canal Authority deals with malfunctions of 2 tankers

Navigation expected to resume within hours after a close call between 2 gas tankers, says official

By Anadolu staff

CAIRO (AA) – The Suez Canal Authority said on Wednesday that the technical crews of the canal are dealing with “malfunctions” of two tankers during their crossing of the waterway.

Head of the authority, Osama Rabie, said in a statement that marine rescue tugboats succeeded in dealing with the navigation emergencies and technical malfunctions that the two tankers faced while crossing the canal early Wednesday.

The official expected that navigation in both directions will be resumed within hours.

He noted that a “slight friction” occurred between the liquefied natural gas tanker BW LESMES and oil tanker BURRI.

The friction, according to Rabie, took place after the BW LESMES tanker suddenly stopped due to a technical failure.

There was no significant damage or pollution in the vicinity of the two tankers, he added.

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