Support for far-right AfD party continues to grow in Germany, poll shows

Support for far-right AfD party continues to grow in Germany, poll shows

Alternative for Germany's popularity remains on rise, reaching 22%, poll shows

By Cuneyt Karadag

BERLIN (AA) — Domestic support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party continues to grow, a poll revealed on Saturday.

Support for the AfD has reached 22%, according to the public opinion poll by the INSA, conducted for the daily Bild.

It also showed that Social Democratic Party has 18% support, while The Greens were at 14% and the Free Democratic Party at 7%. Support for opposition The Left party stands at 5%.

Speaking to Bild on the AfD's rise, INSA Director Hermann Binkert said there was a mere 4% gap between the far-right party and the Christian Democratic Union.

"The gap has never been that minor," he added.

Meanwhile, speaking to the RND news outlet, Shimon Stein, former Israeli Ambassador to Berlin, expressed disappointment over the rising trend of the far-right party.

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