Swedish minister says new bill to fill hole in anti-terrorism legislation

Swedish minister says new bill to fill hole in anti-terrorism legislation

'Meaning of bill is that we will prohibit participation in terrorist organizations,' says Justice Minister Strommer

By Selen Temizer

BRUSSELS (AA) - A new bill will fill the gap in Swedish legislation on anti-terrorism, according to the country's justice minister.

Speaking to Anadolu, Gunnar Strommer said the new bill that was sent to parliament on Thursday will strengthen the Swedish anti-terrorist legislation.

"The meaning of the bill is that we will prohibit participation in terrorist organizations. We have, for many years, strengthened the Swedish anti-terrorist legislation. However, this was a hole that it was important for us to fill," he noted.

Strommer further noted that this bill now enables them to achieve the required amendment.

The new legislation will provide Sweden with a powerful new tool to prosecute those who support terrorism, but also align Swedish laws with those of its neighbors, he stressed.

Actions like logistic support and transportation or serving food to support and strengthen terrorist organizations will be considered a criminal offense, Strommer added.

He went on to say that this is important for Sweden as a country and for being a trustworthy anti-terrorist force in the international cooperation in which it operates.

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