Thailand sees spike in dengue fever cases, with 17 deaths reported this year

Thailand sees spike in dengue fever cases, with 17 deaths reported this year

Average of 900 infections, 1 fatality reported on weekly basis, with majority of them concentrated in cities, including Bangkok, says health official

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) – Dengue fever cases have surged in Thailand this year, with over 19,000 infections and 17 deaths reported since Jan 1.

On a weekly basis, an average of 900 infections and one fatality were reported, with the majority of cases concentrated in cities, including the capital Bangkok, local media reported on Tuesday.

The infection rate increased by 4.2 times over the previous year, the Bangkok Post reported, citing Dr. Thares Krasanairawiwong, director-general of the Department of Disease Control, who added that children aged 5-14 and young people aged 15-24 are the most affected groups of the dengue virus, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

"In 2023, Thailand is expected to face more dengue fever outbreaks according to the annual cycle. From 1 January to 8 June, there were 19,503 reported cases, 17 deaths, and the number of patients was 3.8 times higher than in 2022," said Dr. Krassanairawiwong.

Dengue fever is prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas, which typically results in mild fever but can be fatal in certain instances.

Cases tend to rise during the rainy seasons in June, September, December, and March.

To combat the disease-carrying mosquito species that breed in water puddles, regular spraying is necessary, particularly in industrial areas with garbage accumulation.

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