Top Turkish adviser to attend Ukraine peace talks in Saudi Arabia

Top Turkish adviser to attend Ukraine peace talks in Saudi Arabia

President Erdogan's chief adviser Akif Cagatay Kilic to represent Türkiye at Saturday's meeting

By Zafer Fatih Beyaz

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's chief adviser Akif Cagatay Kilic will attend the Ukraine peace talks that will be hosted by Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

During the meeting, the latest situation in Ukraine will be discussed, and views will be exchanged for peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Representatives from NATO, the EU Commission and EU Council, national security advisers from Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the UK, the US, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland are expected to attend the meeting.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow will be monitoring the meeting and its outcome.

"Undoubtedly, Russia will keep an eye on this meeting. We'd have to fully understand what goals are being set and what the organizers actually plan to talk about. We have repeatedly said that any attempts to somehow contribute to a peaceful settlement deserve a positive assessment," Peskov said.

Kilic will also hold bilateral talks with his counterparts on the sidelines of the meeting.

Türkiye, internationally praised for its unique mediator role between Ukraine and Russia, has repeatedly called on Kyiv and Moscow to end the war through negotiations.

* Writing by Diyar Guldogan

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