Turkey: AK Party, MHP to start talks over alliance

Turkey: AK Party, MHP to start talks over alliance

Ruling AK Party deputy head says they will start talks with MHP over election alliance for upcoming local elections

By Aynur Ekiz and Esin İsik

ANKARA (AA) - Top officials of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) said late Tuesday that the two will start talks over a possible election alliance in the nation's upcoming local elections.

After a meeting in the capital Ankara with MHP Deputy Chairman Sadir Durmaz to discuss the matter, AK Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Ozhaseki told Anadolu Agency that they will start talks over an election alliance.

"The talks will continue between the delegations of both sides after our president returns" from trips abroad, said Ozhaseki, explaining that Tuesday's talks were not detailed.

He added that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet with MHP leader Devlet Bahceli as soon as possible after he returns from visits to the U.S. and Germany.

Durmaz also told Anadolu Agency that he and Ozhaseki declared the intention to continue the alliance between the two parties in local elections.

"We agreed to continue talks," Durmaz said.

Local elections are set to be held in March 2019 across Turkey.

The National Alliance between the AK Party and the MHP was formed this February ahead of the June general elections, and continues in some forms between the two parties.

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