Turkey, Nigeria sign 7 agreements, including energy, defense fields

Turkey, Nigeria sign 7 agreements, including energy, defense fields

Turkish president holds news conference with Nigerian counterpart in his last stop of 4-day diplomatic trip to Africa

By Rabia Iclal Turan

ANKARA (AA) - The Turkish president on Wednesday said his country continues to share "necessary information" on the terror group FETO's illegal activities in Nigeria.

Speaking at a joint presser with his Nigerian counterpart Muhammadu Buhari in Nigeria's capital Abuja, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: "We are strengthening our cooperation in military defense and security issues with Nigeria, which is fighting terrorist organizations, armed gangs, and piracy."

Next year, Turkey and Nigeria will celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, Erdogan said, reminding that Nigeria has been hosting one of the oldest missions of Turkey on the African continent.

He stressed that Turkey is determined to further its cooperation with Nigeria in every field.

Buhari, for his part, said they had "very useful" discussions on several bilateral issues and reached a series of agreements.

Turkey and Nigeria signed a total of seven agreements during Erdogan's visit to the African country.

The agreements included one on "Avoiding Double Taxation and Tax Evasion," and others in the fields of mining, hydrocarbons, energy, and defense, as well as agreements on cooperation on the youth, and the foreign ministries of both countries.

Kaynak:Source of News

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