Turkish business body enables students to intern in Europe

Turkish business body enables students to intern in Europe

Over 100 students and teachers participate in internship and training program in Austria and Belgium

By Furkan Gencoglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MUSIAD), which was accredited by the EU's Erasmus+ program, is providing internship opportunities in Europe for Turkish students.

In the first phase, 106 students and teachers went to Austria and Belgium for internship and personnel mobility as part of the vocational internship mobility organized within the scope of the EU Erasmus+ Vocational Education Accreditation.

A total of 95 students and 11 teachers from the departments of motor vehicles, information technologies and electronics at three vocational and technical Anatolian high schools, Kartal Atalar, Sehit Yuzbasi Yusuf Kenan, and Sisli, participated in internship programs and on-site training in selected companies in Vienna-Austria and Brussels-Belgium.

Within the framework of internship program and on-site practice trainings, which were held in three separate groups on Oct. 1-30, 2022, Nov. 13 - Dec.10, 2022 and Feb. 12- March 13, 2023, cultural trips and information programs also gave students a different experience.

Students participating in internship programs in Austria and Belgium shared their experiences at a meeting named "Dissemination of Project Results" held by Sehit Yuzbasi Highschool, in Istanbul.

Students participating in the internship mobility in the companies in Vienna and Brussels, and the teachers accompanying them, shared their experiences in the field of vocational education and culture and expressed their satisfaction.

The business body, which held Vocational Education and Employment Workshop in October 2022 with the participation of the Turkish national education minister, Mahmut Ozer, announced that it will continue to make efforts in this direction.

The Erasmus+ program aims to give experience to students and teachers through internship and on-site training activities.

* Writing by Gokhan Ergocun

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