Turkish defense giant Aselsan unveils air defense systems

Turkish defense giant Aselsan unveils air defense systems

Aselsan exhibits 4 air defense systems to reduce Türkiye's foreign dependence at

By Goksel Yildirim

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish defense giant Aselsan unveiled its air defense systems during the 16th International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF) in Istanbul.

The four-day event which started on Tuesday is exhibiting a range of defense products including land vehicles, weapons, simulators, radars, sonars, naval platform solutions, aviation systems, missiles, logistic vehicles, supply equipment, and security systems.

Aselsan exhibited GURZ Hybrid Air Defense System, GOKSUR Close Air Defense Missile System, GOKDEMIR Missile Launching System and GOKBERK Mobile Laser Weapon System.

Haluk Gorgun, the president of Türkiye's Defense Industry Agency, said air defense systems are in demand globally.

Türkiye gained a significant ground in this field in the recent period, he said.

Ahmet Akyol, the general manager of Aselsan, said the newly introduced air defense systems will reduce Türkiye's foreign dependence.

* Writing by Gokhan Ergocun

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