Turkish fighter jet to fly with indigenous engine in 2028

Turkish fighter jet to fly with indigenous engine in 2028

Turkish Aerospace Industries see high demand for aircraft from foreign countries, general manager says

By Ugur Aslanhan

ISTANBUL (AA) – Türkiye's indigenous fighter jet, KAAN, is planned to fly with a Turkish engine in 2028, the general manager of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) said on Wednesday.

Speaking at the 16th International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF), Temel Kotil said KAAN is flying with F110 engine currently, adding that studies for KAAN’s upgradation are continuing.

The fifth-generation aircraft KAAN was developed by TAI with an aim to replace the Turkish army's aging F-16 fleet.

He said foreign countries’ interest in the aircraft and war helicopter ATAK-2 is much more than expected, especially from the Gulf countries.

Foreign demand for T-129 ATAK helicopter and combat drone Aksungur was also good, he stressed.

*Writing by Gokhan Ergocun

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