Turkish FM urges enterprising foreign policy for peace

Turkish FM urges enterprising foreign policy for peace

Mevlut Cavusoglu says challenges of humanity are eating away achievements and opportunities of humanity

By Fatih Hafiz Mehmet

ANKARA (AA) - Seeking peace needs an enterprising and humanitarian foreign policy, said Turkish foreign minister Saturday.

In an article published by Greek newspaper Kathimerini, Mevlut Cavusoglu said the humanity is facing a distinct challenge in the 21st century.

"Just when many people thought that the glass is half-full in terms of the achievements in international law, institutions, democracy and the rule of law, accountability, free trade, gender equality and others, the empty half of the glass has begun to reassert itself," said Cavusoglu, adding that the symptoms are known to all.

He wrote: "Trade wars, new forms of international exploitation, geopolitical competitions, great power proxy wars, disintegrating nation states, terrorism, xenophobia, animosity against Islam, raging inequalities and injustice count among the contemporary trends that make up the half-empty glass."

The challenges of humanity are eating away the achievements and opportunities of humanity, Cavusoglu said.

"Which side will prevail? The answer depends on how we respond to challenges, including on how much we humans can work together toward positive outcomes.

"One point is clear: Unless we take initiatives and be enterprising and humanitarian, the bad will prevail. The wait-and-see attitude is no longer tenable. Policy options differ from mediation to actual use of force against terrorists," he added.

Cavusoglu cited Turkey’s enterprising and humanitarian approach cleared a total of 4,000 square kilometers of Daesh and PYD/YPG, the affiliate of PKK terror organization, in Syria.

"Had we not intervened, our people would have been under continued assault from these terrorists and a political solution to the Syrian tragedy would have been unreachable," he said.

"I gave the example of Syria for a reason. Syria demonstrates to us once again that prevention is important because once the fire of conflict engulfs a nation, then the only thing that remains predictable is that there will be unpredictable consequences on that state," Cavusoglu wrote.

Turkey’s Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations in northwestern Syria liberated the region of YPG/PKK and Daesh terrorists, making return of Syrian civilians to homeland possible.

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