Turkish, French foreign ministers discuss Northern Cyprus’ road project

Turkish, French foreign ministers discuss Northern Cyprus’ road project

Call comes at request of French foreign minister, Turkish Foreign Ministry says

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and his French counterpart Catherine Colonna discussed the Pile-Yigitler Road project in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), during a telephone call Thursday.

The call took place at Colonna’s request, according to a statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

Fidan informed Colonna about the TRNC’s Pile-Yigitler Road project in response to her question.

Fidan and Colonna also discussed the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

The TRNC Foreign Ministry previously said the project was created for purely humanitarian reasons to ensure convenient passage from TRNC to the village of Pile along the UN-controlled Green Line.

It said the project intends to enhance the road, granting Pile residents better land access, boosting the local economy and allowing passage to Pile without reliance on the British Sovereign Base Areas.

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