Turkish opposition lawmaker criticizes NATO

Turkish opposition lawmaker criticizes NATO

Nationalist Movement Party’s lawmaker criticizes NATO's lack of support to Turkey's cross-border operations against PKK/YPG

By Muhammet Emin Avundukluoglu

ANKARA (AA) - A Turkish lawmaker from opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on Wednesday criticized NATO’s lack of support to the country’s cross-border operations against terrorists.

"Especially in our cross-border operations against PKK/YPG terror organizations, NATO's support remains unfulfilled," Erkan Akcay told lawmakers at the parliament.

Akcay said that NATO's progress depends on its contribution to Turkey's security.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK has taken 40,000 lives, including many women and children. The YPG is its Syrian branch.

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