Turkish stock exchange flat at close

Turkish stock exchange flat at close

Benchmark BIST 100 index sheds around 8.3 points

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) — The Turkish benchmark stock index closed Thursday at 8,016.09 points, down slightly by 0.1% versus the previous close.

The BIST 100 index, which started the day at 8,104.04 points, lost 8.28 points from the midweek's close.

The lowest value of the index during the day was 8,016.09, while its daily high was 8,116.9.

Some 52 indices gained value, while 47 had declined as of the day's end.

The total transaction volume reached 92 billion Turkish liras ($3.04 billion), while the overall value of the index was 6.8 trillion liras ($226.4 billion).

The USD/TRY exchange rate was at 30.1325 as of 18.45 (1545GMT), while the EUR/TRY rate was at 32.8310 and the GBP/TRY traded at 38.2220.

One ounce of gold was at $2,016.10, while the barrel price of Brent oil was around $78.40.

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