Türkiye, Iraq reaffirm commitment to fight all forms of terrorism

Türkiye, Iraq reaffirm commitment to fight all forms of terrorism

Terror groups PKK, Daesh/ISIS, FETO pose threat to both countries, says Turkish President Erdogan

By Merve Aydogan

ANKARA (AA) – Türkiye and Iraq on Tuesday reiterated their commitment to combat all forms of terrorism.

It is clear that terror groups such as the PKK, Daesh/ISIS, and FETO “pose a threat to both countries,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a joint press conference with Iraq’s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in the capital Ankara.

“During our meeting, we discussed all aspects of our bilateral relations. We reaffirmed our determination to fight all forms of terrorism,” he said, adding that their talks focused on Türkiye’s efforts against the terrorist organizations.

“Our expectation from our Iraqi brethren is that they will designate the PKK as a terror group and clear their lands of this bloodthirsty terrorist organization,” he said.

On Türkiye’s water dispute with Iraq, Erdogan said Ankara views the issue “not as a conflict, but an area of cooperation that can serve our common interests.”

“We have decided to increase, as much as possible, the volume of water released from the Tigris River for one month to help alleviate Iraq’s distress,” he said.

Al-Sudani thanked the Turkish president for the decision.

He said Iraq has conveyed to Türkiye its “desire to enhance relations in all fields.”

On the fight against terrorism, he stressed that Iraq will not allow any terror group to use its territory for attacks on Türkiye.

Security concerns can be overcome with enhanced intelligence sharing, al-Sudani added.

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