Türkiye rises 10 ranks in Brand Finance's Global Soft Power Index

Türkiye rises 10 ranks in Brand Finance's Global Soft Power Index

Achievement comes due to successful communication strategies applied in diplomatic initiatives, hosted int’l organizations, nation branding, says communications director

By Merve Berker

ANKARA (AA) – ​​​​​​​Türkiye rose ten ranks in Brand Finance's Global Soft Power Index thanks to successful communication strategies applied in diplomatic initiatives, hosted international organizations and in national branding, the communications director said on Thursday.

According to the Global Soft Power Index 2024, prepared by Brand Finance, an international brand evaluation organization, Türkiye ranked 18th out of 193 countries in the field of media and communication, up ten places compared to the previous year, Fahrettin Altun said on X.

"The increasing inclusiveness, effectiveness, reliability and accessibility of our work in the field of media and communication on an international scale were the determining factors in this increase in Türkiye's performance reflected in the indices," he stated.

"Ranked 13th in the 'sphere of influence' category of the same index, the country's high performance was attributed to its success in international relations as well as its rich cultural heritage," the official stressed.

"With the impact of successful communication strategies implemented in the fields of diplomatic initiatives, international organizations hosted and national branding, Türkiye has managed to be among the countries that have improved its performance the most since 2020 in the Global Soft Power Index," he added.

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