Türkiye's annual inflation at 47.8% in July

Türkiye's annual inflation at 47.8% in July

Housing sees lowest price change in July on yearly basis

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - The annual inflation rate in Türkiye was 47.83% in July, up from 38.21% in June, according to data by TurkStat, the country's statistical authority on Thursday.

The annual rate was 79.6% in July 2022, and 57.68% in January this year.

An Anadolu survey had predicted the annual consumer price index to rise to 47.27%.

The lowest annual price change was in housing with 19.31%, while hotels, cafes and restaurants posted the highest change with 82.62%.

The monthly inflation reached 9.49%, up from 3.92% in June.

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