Türkiye's first lady Emine Erdogan visits Ukrainian Center in Vilnius

Türkiye's first lady Emine Erdogan visits Ukrainian Center in Vilnius

Erdogan urges 'every country to lend a hand in support of women and children disproportionately affected by war'

By Muhammed Enes Calli

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye's first lady visited the Ukrainian Center in Vilnius on Wednesday, along with leaders' spouses from other allied nations during the ongoing NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital.

"We met Ukrainian women, young people, and children affected by the war," Emine Erdogan said on Twitter.

Erdogan said she was pleased to see that war-affected orphan children from Ukraine were being offered socio-psychological support similar to that provided by Türkiye.

"Our greatest wish is for every country to lend a hand in support of women and children disproportionately affected by war," she added.

"I believe that joining hands as a global community will be the strongest shield against new conflicts."

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