Türkiye’s General Directorate of Forestry awarded by Turkish Red Crescent

Türkiye’s General Directorate of Forestry awarded by Turkish Red Crescent

GDF receives award for raising awareness, contribution for increasing number of volunteers to combat wildfires

By Enes Duran

ANKARA (AA) – Türkiye's General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) on Thursday awarded by the Turkish Red Crescent for raising awareness and its contributions to increasing the number of volunteers to combat wildfires.

Red Vest Volunteering Award was given in a ceremony that was held at Halic Congress Center in Istanbul, said GDF in a statement.

"It is very meaningful for us to receive this award on this path that we started to become the Breath of the Turkish Century. I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the jury who deemed us worthy of the award," said Bekir Karacabey, GDF general manager, quoted in the statement.

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