Türkiye's vice president receives order of friendship from Uzbekistan

Türkiye's vice president receives order of friendship from Uzbekistan

Fuat Oktay receives order of friendship for his contribution to development of ties between Türkiye, Uzbekistan

By Harun Kutbe

ANKARA (AA) - Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay with the "Order of Friendship" ahead of the extraordinary summit of leaders of the Organization of Turkic State.

During the meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday prior to the summit, Mirziyoyev presented the order to Oktay for his contribution to the development of relations between Türkiye and Uzbekistan.

For his part, Oktay thanked the Uzbek president and said it is an honor to receive such an order.

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