UK announces new sanctions targeting Russia's access to foreign military equipment

UK announces new sanctions targeting Russia's access to foreign military equipment

'There is nowhere for those sustaining Russia's military machine to hide,' says Foreign Secretary James Cleverly

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) – The British government on Tuesday announced "the largest-ever UK action" targeting Russia's access to foreign military supplies.

The package includes 22 new sanctions on individuals and businesses outside Russia, supporting its war on Ukraine, as well as three Russian companies importing electronics vital to Russia’s military equipment used on the battlefield, the UK Foreign Office said in a statement.

It noted that the UK is "tackling Iranian and Belarusian support" for Russia's war, as the new sanctions also include Iranian individuals and entities involved in the research, development and production of drones and Belarusian defense organizations linked to the manufacturing of military technology.

"Today's landmark sanctions will further diminish Russia's arsenal and close the net on supply chains propping up Putin's now struggling defence industry," Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said in the statement.

"There is nowhere for those sustaining Russia's military machine to hide," he added.

The Foreign Office vowed to work together with international partners to prevent third parties from supplying weapons to Russia.

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