Ukraine receives $1.25B in US grant

Ukraine receives $1.25B in US grant

Funds aim to help Kyiv with social and humanitarian expenditures

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Ukraine on Monday said it received a grant worth $1.25 billion from the US through the Multi-Donor Trust Fund of the World Bank.

In 2023, Ukraine has already received a fund worth $8.45 billion from the US, and $20.4 billion since the beginning of the war in February 2022.

The grant was provided as part of the Public Expenditures of Administrative Capacity Endurance (PEACE) project, which aims to help Ukraine with social and humanitarian expenditures.

"The involved grant funding will be aimed at reimbursing state budget expenditures, in particular, to pay wages for government employees and payments under certain state social assistance programs and other social payments," a press release said.

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