Ukraine summons Polish ambassador over comments by presidential aide

Ukraine summons Polish ambassador over comments by presidential aide

‘Statements about alleged ingratitude of Ukrainians for Poland's help are untrue, unacceptable,’ says Foreign Ministry

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Ukraine on Tuesday summoned Poland's ambassador in Kyiv to protest comments by a presidential aide who said the war-torn country should be “grateful” for the assistance it’s received.

“It was emphasized that statements about the alleged ingratitude of Ukrainians for Poland's help are untrue and unacceptable,” the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Kyiv believes that the friendship between Ukraine and Poland is “much deeper than political expediency,” it said, adding: “Politics should not call into question mutual understanding and strength of relations between our peoples. No statements will prevent us from jointly winning peace and building a common European future."

Presidential adviser Marcin Przydacz told a public broadcaster on Monday that Ukraine should start appreciating Warsaw’s role in the country.

“Ukraine really got a lot of support from Poland. I think it would be worthwhile for her to start appreciating the role that Poland has played for Ukraine in recent months and years,” Przydacz said.​​​​​​​

Poland is at the forefront of European allies calling to help Kyiv against Moscow, which launched its “special military operation” in Ukraine in February 2022.

But earlier this year, it, along with Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria and Romania, imposed temporary restrictions on some Ukrainian agricultural products to protect farmers' interests. It is said the ban, valid till Sept. 15, could be extended through 2023.

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