Unemployment rates in eurozone, EU down in June

Unemployment rates in eurozone, EU down in June

Highest unemployment rates seen in Spain, Greece, Sweden, Lithuania

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - Unemployment rates in the euro area and the EU were down to 6.4% and 5.9%, respectively, on a yearly basis in June, Eurostat said on Tuesday.

In June 2022, the rates were at 6.7% and 6.1%, respectively, the 27-member bloc's statistical authority recalled.

"Eurostat estimates that 12.802 million persons in the EU, of whom 10.814 million in the euro area, were unemployed in June 2023," it added.

The youth unemployment rate was 13.8% in the euro area and 14.1% in the EU.

The highest rates were seen in Spain with 11.7%, Greece with 11.1%, and Sweden and Lithuania both with 7.5%.

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