UNICEF, Netflix to establish youth center for quake victims in Türkiye

UNICEF, Netflix to establish youth center for quake victims in Türkiye

Center in Gaziantep province will reintegrate young people into social life, help them realize their potential, says UNICEF

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) – UNICEF and Netflix will jointly establish a youth center in the Nurdagi district of Türkiye's southeastern province of Gaziantep, which was affected severely by the Feb. 6 devastating twin earthquakes.

Around 13 million people and 11 provinces in the country were hit by the magnitude 7.7 and magnitude 7.6 earthquakes, centered in southern Kahramanmaras province, in February.

The youth center will aim to improve the lives of young persons affected by the quakes, reintegrate them into social life and help them realize their potential, UNICEF said on Monday.

At this center, UNICEF will offer a special six-month training program that will enable young people to acquire new competencies and improve their social skills.

The center, with a capacity of over 1,000 persons, will also provide a variety of youth-friendly activities and social interaction opportunities.

Netflix, on the other hand, will provide the film and documentary content to be screened at the center, organize workshops to develop the creative abilities of young people, and offer mentorship, in addition to financing.

Paolo Marchi, the Türkiye’s representative at UNICEF, said the Feb. 6 earthquakes caused an unprecedented tragedy for several young people in Türkiye.

Since the first day, UNICEF has been working to provide humanitarian aid to children and youth affected by the earthquakes, he said.

Through cooperation with Netflix, UNICEF will continue to support the youth in the earthquake-affected Nurdagi region and help them acquire creative skills that are critical to their development, he added.

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