UPDATE - Kremlin says G-7 security guarantees to Ukraine encroach on Russia’s security

UPDATE - Kremlin says G-7 security guarantees to Ukraine encroach on Russia’s security

Russia considers G-7 statement on providing security guarantees ‘extremely erroneous, potentially very dangerous,’ says Kremlin spokesman


By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday that the Group of Seven’s (G-7) intention to provide security guarantees to Ukraine encroaches on Russia’s security.

"(By) providing any security guarantees to Ukraine, these countries (G-7) actually ignore the international principle of the indivisibility of security. That is, by providing security guarantees to Ukraine, they encroach on Russia's security," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a press briefing in Moscow.

Russia, he said, has a "very negative attitude" toward Ukraine's membership in NATO, adding that the issue correlates with a statement on Wednesday that the G-7 countries will provide security guarantees to Kyiv.

"We consider this extremely erroneous and potentially very dangerous," Peskov said.

Earlier on Wednesday, a statement released by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's office said the G-7 member states will sign a joint declaration, which will set out "how allies will support Ukraine over the coming years to end the war and deter and respond to any future attack."

- Cluster munitions

Peskov also commented on Washington's decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, saying that Russia will be forced to take countermeasures if Ukraine uses such munitions.

"Of course, the possible use of this type of ammunition changes the situation, and of course, forces Russia to take certain countermeasures," the Kremlin spokesman said, adding that the Russian Defense Ministry will decide what exactly the countermeasures will be.

Last Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced an $800 million military aid package which includes multiple forms of ammunition, as well as howitzers, armored Bradley and Stryker vehicles and other military equipment.

Cluster munitions are banned by more than 100 countries, including the UK, France and Germany, under the UN’s Convention on Cluster Munitions in 2008.

The US, Russia and Ukraine are not signatories to the ban.

- Russia-China ties not against 3rd countries

Peskov also responded to a statement on Russia's relations with China, saying that the ties between Moscow and Beijing are in no way directed against third countries or any alliances.

"Such statements speak of a misunderstanding of the essence of Russian-Chinese relations. Our relations are in no way directed and have never been directed against third countries or against any alliances. Despite the fact that we are talking about alliances that are inherently aggressive," he added.

He went on to claim that NATO is an "offensive alliance" that brings "instability and aggression," while Russian-Chinese relations bring "peace and stability" to the region.

"They create prosperity for the peoples of the two countries and also for the peoples of many regions because it causes a general synergy for economic development," he added.

A joint communique adopted by NATO on Tuesday, amid its ongoing summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, said that the deepening strategic partnership between China and Russia runs "counter to our values and interests."

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