US: Clinton wins Wash., DC, last Democratic primary

US: Clinton wins Wash., DC, last Democratic primary

Clinton's Democratic rival Bernie Sanders yet to announce if he is bowing out of the race

By Kasim Ileri

WASHINGTON (AA) - Hillary Clinton won Tuesday’s Democratic primary in Washington D.C. with about 80 percent of the votes.

In the final primary contest, the presumptive Democratic nominee secured 16 of the 20 delegates, while her rival Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders grabbed 4.

Although numerically he has had no chance of victory for some time, and most analysts say he has no chance period, Sanders still remains in the race.

According to the American media, Sanders will be speaking to supporters via video message on Thursday evening to lay out the future of his campaign, but in a statement Sanders gave no hint of whether he would stay in or not.

“When we started this campaign, I told you that I run not to oppose any man or woman, but to propose new and far-reaching policies to deal with the crises of our time,” said Sanders. “After June 14, the voting is done, but our political revolution continues.”

Indeed the American capital’s primary did not have a practical effect on the race, as Clinton had already collected 2,784 pledge delegates and superdelegates ahead of the results, and already had become the party’s presumptive nominee, clearing the 2,383 delegate threshold.

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