US does not believe Ukraine conflict is 'stalemate': White House

US does not believe Ukraine conflict is 'stalemate': White House

Washington pledges continued support for Ukraine during current counter-offensive

By Servet Gunerigok

WASHINGTON (AA) - The US does not believe the conflict in Ukraine is a "stalemate," White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday.

"We continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to take territory as part of this counter-offensive, and we are seeing it continue to take territory on a methodical systematic basis," he said.

The senior official noted that Russia continues to face several fundamental challenges in terms of its capacities with respect to a ground force and the integration of various forces engaging in defense.

"And Ukraine is taking every opportunity to try to exploit their shortcomings and vulnerabilities," said Sullivan. "With respect to what's happening on the battlefield, we have been clear all along that this battlefield is very dynamic."

Ukraine launched a counteroffensive in early June.

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