US extends temporary deportation protections for Ukrainians amid ongoing war

US extends temporary deportation protections for Ukrainians amid ongoing war

Temporary protected status of Ukrainians in US extended for 18 additional months, Homeland Security Department announces

By Iclal Turan

WASHINGTON (AA) – The US announced Friday the extension of temporary protection from deportation for Ukrainians currently living in the country, allowing them to stay for another 18 months.

The Homeland Security Department said the extension affects about 26,000 current temporary protected status beneficiaries, and it will allow 166,700 additional Ukrainians in the US to apply for temporary protected status.

The Biden administration first extended temporary protected status to Ukrainians in March 2022, shortly after the start of Russian war in Ukraine.

“Russia’s ongoing military invasion of Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian crisis requires that the United States continue to offer safety and protection to Ukrainians who may not be able to return to their country,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement.

“We will continue to offer our support to Ukrainian nationals through this temporary form of humanitarian relief.”

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