US job openings at 8.49M in March, lower than estimates

US job openings at 8.49M in March, lower than estimates

3.3M workers left their jobs last month, figures show

By Ovunc Kutlu

ISTANBUL (AA) - US job openings stood at approximately 8.49 million in March, according to Labor Department figures released Wednesday.

The figure came lower than market estimates of 8.68 million after standing at 8.81 million in February.

In March, the number of hires was little changed at 5.5 million; but total separations, which include quits, layoffs and discharges, decreased by 339,000 to 5.2 million.

Around 3.3 million workers left their jobs in the world's largest economy during the month of March, while its rate was 2.1%, the agency said.

The Labor Department's survey measures job vacancies by collecting data from employers about employment, job openings, hiring and separations.

The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, or JOLTS, considers job openings for all positions that are open or not filled on the last business day of the month when the survey is conducted.

Kaynak:Source of News

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