Veteran director Ken Loach draws attention to Gaza on red carpet

Veteran director Ken Loach draws attention to Gaza on red carpet

Move comes during 77th British Academy Film Awards held in London

By Zehra Nur Duz

ANKARA (AA) – British veteran director Ken Loach, whose Syrian refugee drama The Old Oak was competing in the race for the Outstanding British Film category at the 77th British Academy Film Awards in London, posed next to a ‘Gaza: Stop the Massacre’ sign held by the film’s writer, Paul Laverty, on the red carpet at a ceremony Sunday, according to local media.

The move came during the awards, more commonly known as the BAFTAs, honoring the best national and foreign films of 2023 which were held at the Royal Festival Hall in London's Southbank Centre, the London-based Telegraph daily reported.

Loach has been an outspoken critic of Israel in the past.

The Old Oak is a co-production between the UK, France and Belgium.

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