Young people make up 15.1% of Türkiye's population in 2023

Young people make up 15.1% of Türkiye's population in 2023

Ratio of young people, aged 15-24, to overall population in Türkiye outstrips EU average, according to TurkStat data

ISTANBUL (AA) – Türkiye's youth made up 15.1% of its population as of the end of 2023, according to the official figures released on Friday.

There was a total of 12.87 million young people, aged between 15 to 24, in the country, 51.3% of which were male and 48.7% female, said the country's statistical bureau TurkStat.

The ratio of young people in the overall population is expected to be 14% in 2030, 13.4% in 2040, 11.8% in 2060, and 11.1% in 2080.

The province home to the greatest ratio of young people was Hakkari, with 21.5%, in 2023, followed by Sirnak and Siirt with 21.1% each, and Bayburt with 20.2%.

​​​​​​​"It was seen that the proportion of Türkiye's youth population with 15.1% was higher than that of 27 European Union (EU) member countries," the statistical bureau noted.

The EU average of the proportion of youth population was 10.6% in 2023.

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