Zambia, Tanzania discuss ways to curb terrorism, illegal migration

Zambia, Tanzania discuss ways to curb terrorism, illegal migration

Countries agree on measures to address cross-border crime after 4 days of talks

By James Kunda

LUSAKA, Zambia (AA) - Zambia and Tanzania agreed to work together on curbing terrorism and illegal migration, according to an official statement on Monday.

The deal came after four days of talks that began last Monday in a Joint Permanent Commission on Defense and Security (JPCDS), between the two Southern African nations in the Zambian capital Lusaka, said the statement.

It added: "The Commission observed with concern the growing threat of terrorism which was mainly being facilitated by other transnational crimes, such as illegal migration and human trafficking and noted that if left unchecked, may negatively affect the socio-economic wellbeing of people of the two countries."

"The Commission, therefore, implored both countries to enhance measures and strengthen capacities aimed at addressing the scourge."

Incidents related to conflict and illegal migration are on the rise in Southern Africa, with human traffickers using Zambia and Tanzania as a transit route, especially for people smuggled from the Horn of Africa region.

Most cases of human trafficking has involved victims lured by greater economic opportunity in South Africa, one of the continent's biggest economies.

Zambia's delegation was led by Defense Minister Ambrose Lufuma, while the Tanzanian delegation's head was Defense and National Service Minister Innocent Bashungwa.

According to the communique, the commission also acknowledged the signing of memoranda of understanding on cooperation in defense and the implementation agreement on exchange of directing staff at military academies, all aimed at enhancing security ties.

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