German AfD party 'danger to European stability': French state secretary

German AfD party 'danger to European stability': French state secretary

Laurence Boone blames far-right party for being pro-Russia, out of favor with Ukraine

By Nur Asena Erturk

German far-right political party Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a "danger to European stability," the French state secretary for Europe said on Monday.

AfD is "founded on hating scapegoats," Laurence Boone told French broadcaster LCI, as she blamed the party for being pro-Russia and out of favor with Ukraine.

"Russia is ready to starve many African countries in order to destabilize the world," she added.

"The rise of AfD is a danger to European stability," she stressed.

AfD is the uncovered and radical face of the European far-right and is seeking to destroy the EU without any alternative projects, Boone asserted.

The party labeled the EU as a "failed project" during a party congress over the weekend, according to German media outlets.

Party delegates voted in favor of a program that promised to reform the "EU superstate," ending Brussels's bureaucratic control and strengthening the role of the national parliaments.

Leading figures of the party have long criticized Chancellor Olaf Scholz's stance on the Russia-Ukraine war, opposed sending weapons to Ukraine, and argued that ending energy imports from Russia was against Germany’s national interests.

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